Zion Trio
Lifting up Jesus Christ through song!!
Celebrating 16 years of ministry
Zion first started in 2008 as a quartet with a live band. From the beginning it has been the group's purpose to praise Him through music, and to help encourage those who need salvation or need a revival in their relationship with Lord. We are thankful that through all the changes that has made us a trio for the last several years, the focus on the ministry has not changed. We are humbled and honored to share our testimony through music, and we thank all of those who have and continue to support the group.
Wishing you the best for 2024!
We want to thank the churches and venues that we have been able to be part of their services and events over the years. It is our prayer that we've been able to share His love and word through music, and have helped someone find peace or salvation with our Lord. We would love to be part of your church service, homecoming, or event. Please reach out to us if we can share our music ministry and testimony with you. We hope to hear from you soon!